Before Viggo even came to live with us, we have been buying him things. Admittedly he has a lot of stuff for an 11-month old. But of course we felt that every piece of pup paraphernalia serves a purpose: a chewy saves our shoes, a venison treat persuades him to "stay", and of course a fluffy blanket makes him cosy. We have a basket in our living room in an attempt to store his toys away when friends come over (especially friends with actual kids that would have actual reason to laugh at us.)
Viggo loves to go in to Peter's office during the day when he is working. He enters early in the morning with 1 item from his chest and approaches Peter. He is trying to entice Peter away from his own work to engage in a game of chase, with the toy as the bait. Peter of course would love to spend hours throwing squeaking ferrets across the room but of course he is busy. So slowly but surely, Viggo will bring another toy in his office. And then another. By the end of the workday we will find 6 or 7 toys sitting on the office floor (yes, I told you we spoiled him.) We like to think that he recognizes the office is a place of work and for Viggo, toys and the chasing and chewing they require are his day's work. So you could say he has too many toys but we like to see it as too much work.
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