Post originally written: April 29,2009
Viggo is almost 8-months old. A dog trainer we know refers to this as, "the teen years." This is my first experience with dog parenthood so I had no idea they were capable of such developmental complexity.
But sure enough, Viggo has gone from teething to stealing the car in a very short window. All kidding aside, he does exhibit classic teen behaviors:
* He choses whether to listen when we give him a command. And he generally choses not to.
* He is more inwardly directed (see attached photo: spends much more of his time off contemplating issues pertaining only to him and refuses to discuss these issues.)
* He gets so upset when we bring him home from his best mates house, (Rocky and Sammy) that he sulks for a day and goes on a puppy-food strike (at which time he demands more lamb treats and gets them. I admit to this.)
* Not kidding about the driving. He sits on Peter's lap in the car and puts his paws on the steering wheel. He also licks the wheel but hey, I wasn't sure how to drive either when I first started.
* He destroyed his bed like a rock star.
* He talks back a lot more. (Seriously, the barking is embarrassing when we are in public.)
* We worry he has an eating-disorder.
* He looks in the mirror a lot more. Of course he does this because he thinks another pup lives inside the mirror, but still its more than usual.
* He is highly secretive. Especially with my socks. I can never find them.
* He has perfected a 'look' that makes him appear perpetually disappointed in you.
Our trainer tells us this teen phase lasts about 3 months. We just hope he doesn't get a female pup pregnant in the meantime. Neutering is on our to-due list but Viggo keeps eating that list.
I love this look- Barney (my recently passed Doxie)was this king of this look! He knew it garnered him a few more hugs and kisses :>